Front cover of the report, including a photograph of many African mammals at a waterhole.

UK attitudes towards hunting trophy imports

Savanta, a leading data, market research and advisory company, conducted an online survey of 4,002 Britons on the subject of trophy hunting, commissioned by Resource Africa South Africa with funding from Jamma International. The results reveal a clear lack of understanding among the British public of trophy hunting and conservation in African countries that would be affected by a UK hunting...
Community Leaders Network

It’s a form of colonialism to tell us Africans what to do with our wildlife, writes Maxi Pia Louis, Community Leaders Network

It’s a form of colonialism to tell us Africans what to do with our wildlife, writes Maxi Pia Louis, Community Leaders Network “As a parliamentary committee calls for an end to trophy hunting, leading conservationist and secretary of the Community Leaders Network, MAXI LOUIS argues that far from protecting big game it will guarantee its destruction.”Wednesday 29 June’s Comment section of...
CBD Alliance

Post CBD Geneva: Closing statement by the CBD Alliance

Post CBD Geneva: Closing statement by the CBD Alliance A closing statement was issued after CBD Geneva on March 29, 2022 by the CBD Alliance, a network of civil society organizations who have a common interest in the Convention on Biological Diversity, and of which ACBA is a member. This statement is on behalf of the CBD Alliance. We support the statements made by IIBF, the Women's Caucus and the...
hunting communities

SADC rural hunting communities demand win-win benefits from international hunting – The Chronicle, Zimbabwe

SADC rural hunting communities demand win-win benefits from international hunting - The Chronicle, Zimbabwe "We think this is the right time to remove the middleman and let communities market their own natural resources,' said a member of the Southern Africa Community Leaders Network and CEO Ngamiland NGOs, Mr Siyoka Simasiku. "Communities should not be stakeholders but shareholders." Once...
US hypocrisy

In conservation efforts, US hypocrisy is undermining African countries’ proven accomplishments – Washington Examiner

In conservation efforts, US hypocrisy is undermining African countries' proven accomplishments - Washington Examiner The USA uses hunting to fund conservation efforts, which contribute to the global goal of protecting 30% of the earth by 2030. Yet these authors point out the hypocrisy of the US position, as it is considering legislation that will prevent Zimbabwe, Zambia and Tanzania from doing...
Resource Africa Press Release

PRESS RELEASE: Southern Africa Community Leaders Challenge Sir Ranulph Fiennes on Trophy Imports ban

PRESS RELEASE: Southern Africa Community Leaders Challenge Sir Ranulph Fiennes on Trophy Imports ban Misinformation ignores African voices and right to thrive, not just survive Representatives of millions of rural Africans across southern Africa, have urged Sir Ranulph Fiennes to stop using his influence, as ambassador of the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting (CBTH), and spreading misinformation...

Convention on Biological Diversity: Extend The Nagoya Protocol to Sustainable Use of Wildlife

The UN Convention on Biological Diversity: Extend The Nagoya Protocol to Sustainable Use of Wildlife by Professor Ademola Oluborode Jegede Imagine an approach to wildlife conservation that allows wildlife populations to flourish, respects the rights of local and indigenous peoples to determine their own future, and helps reduce poverty and inequality. A framework for achieving these positive...

PRESS RELEASE: African Conservation and Human Rights Advocates urge European Politicians not to be misled about trophy hunting

PRESS RELEASE: African Conservation and Human Rights Advocates urge European Politicians not to be misled about trophy hunting Advocates for human rights and conservation in Africa have warned that bans on trophy hunting imports from Africa could have catastrophic effects on people and communities already devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In an open letter to Alliance ‘90, Resource Africa...
African Conservation Challenge

$15K African Conservation Challenge – digital identity to foster African conservation dialogue launched

$15K African Conservation Challenge: digital identity to foster African conservation dialogue launched Closing date for proposals 30 May 2021 Resource Africa, in partnership with Yoti proudly announces the launch of a digital identity-themed African Conservation Challenge open to individuals and organizations throughout Africa. The USD15 000 prize challenge forms a part of Yoti’s  Social...