Safeguarding human–wildlife cooperation: Review . Authors: Van der Wal et al,Conservation Letters

Safeguarding human–wildlife cooperation - Van der Wal et al, Conservation Letters April 2022 Conservation decision makers routinely address conflict between human interests and the protection of wildlife and ecosystems (Dickman, 2010), yet challenges remain even when the interests of humans and wildlife are aligned. Download the PDF

CBD: RA represented at the Parallel NGO Forum in Kunming.

CBD: RA represented at the Parallel NGO Forum in Kunming The Conventional on Biological Diversity (CBD) NGO Parallel Forum in Kunming was held in September 27 - 28. This was a unique opportunity for NGOs such as Resource Africa to join with the African CSOs Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA) to participate in the 2-day forum that was held virtually.  Fred Kwame Kumah of ACBA gave 2-minute statement...

Is the notion of sustainable use of biodiversity  a legal principle of international law?

Is the notion of sustainable use of biodiversity a legal principle of international law? by Prof Ademola Oluborode Jegede in collaboration with Lesle Jansen Sustainable use is a functional concept to mediate the tension between human being survival and the need for conservation of biodiversity. While the notion is often mentioned here and there in project cycles, it is sometimes unreflectively...
World Water Day

World Water Day in Africa – Articles from The Conversation Africa

World Water Day in Africa To mark it ,The Conversation Africa curated articles that provide deep dives into the precious resource, and its management, across the continent. The Conversation Africa's Commissioning Editor for East and Francophone Africa, Moira Sooner, explains: To start with, we focus on the Nile, a gigantic water source that flows through 11 African countries and affects the lives...
Resource Africa in the media

Facts matter: conservation scientists debunk myths about trophy hunting

Facts matter: conservation scientists debunk myths about trophy hunting 'Facts matter and misinformation can have devastating real-world impacts' Expressing their concern about an opinion piece by photographer Cyril Christo published in The Hill,  a widely read US political website, several conservation scientists wrote a rejoinder to debunk myths about trophy hunting with sound science and...