community based natural resource management

Legal analysis of the community-based natural resource management principles in South African Development Community framework

Legal analysis of the community-based natural resource management principles in South African Development Community framework by Chiedza Machaka In the previous article in this series, I discussed the legal support for community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) that is derived from various Protocols by the African Union. In this article, I zone in on the African region where...

Rural Namibians respond to hunting campaigns – Current Conservation

Rural Namibians respond to hunting campaigns - Current Conservation “We depend on generating income from elephant hunting which we invest back into the conservation of the species. If we stop hunting elephants, poaching will rise because the conservancy will not have any income to contribute the livelihood of its community. We have about 40 people who are employed by the conservancy and their...
hunting communities

SADC rural hunting communities demand win-win benefits from international hunting – The Chronicle, Zimbabwe

SADC rural hunting communities demand win-win benefits from international hunting - The Chronicle, Zimbabwe "We think this is the right time to remove the middleman and let communities market their own natural resources,' said a member of the Southern Africa Community Leaders Network and CEO Ngamiland NGOs, Mr Siyoka Simasiku. "Communities should not be stakeholders but shareholders." Once...