Fifty or more buffalo crowd the shore of a small waterhole.

Mozambique study: Rules about wildlife are more important than benefits from wildlife

Mozambique study: Rules about wildlife are more important than benefits from wildlife Human-wildlife conflict is often seen as a balancing act between the costs and benefits of living with wildlife. According to this thinking, if people lose more livestock or crops than the money they receive from wildlife-based industries (e.g. tourism and/or hunting), then they are unlikely to tolerate or want...
A woman and child in a wooden boat in a river channel.

Towards fair deals for communities engaged in the wildlife economy and conservation finance

.stk-10e45c0{max-width:100% !important;padding-top:0px !important;padding-right:0px !important;padding-bottom:0px !important;padding-left:0px !important} Towards fair deals for communities engaged in the wildlife economy and conservation finance The global problems of biodiversity loss and climate change have triggered investment and financial commitments from the private and public sectors, but...
Hunting Trophies Bill report cover

Policy Brief: The Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill

Risks to Conservation, Rights and Livelihoods - Executive Summary The Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill, currently before the Lords, is intended to ban the import of hunting trophies from a list of around 6000 species (as listed in a European Council Regulation now referred to in the Bill as the Principal Wildlife Trade Regulation), although the vast majority of species on this list...
community based natural resource management

Legal analysis of the community-based natural resource management principles in South African Development Community framework

Legal analysis of the community-based natural resource management principles in South African Development Community framework by Chiedza Machaka In the previous article in this series, I discussed the legal support for community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) that is derived from various Protocols by the African Union. In this article, I zone in on the African region where...

The African Commission on Human and People’s Rights supports community-based natural resource management principles in historic resolution

The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights supports community-based natural resource management principles in historic resolution by Chiedza Machaka The previous article in this series described the theoretical underpinnings of community-based natural resource management (CBNRM), whereby communities living in the commons manage natural resources on their land following rules and...

The first Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC) must put community land rights at the centre of its agenda.

To conserve Africa’s biodiversity, its leaders must rethink protected areas The first Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC), scheduled for 18-23 July, must put community land rights at the centre of its agenda By Dr Kendi Borona Rights and Resources Group  As the date for the first Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC), 18-23 July, draws near, conservation professional Kendi Borona...


CAMPAIGN AGAINST ANTI-HUNTING LEGISLATION An initiative to protect the rights and livelihoods of African and Europe communities and their wildlife conservation programmes from the impact of proposed anti-hunting legislation in the UK TROPHY HUNTING, AFRICAN COMMUNITIES AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION: AN EXPLAINER OUR RIGHT TO SUSTAINABLY USE OUR WILDLIFE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR COMMUNITIES AND...
The Commons and CBNRM

The commons and the theory behind community-based natural resource management

The commons and the theory behind community-based natural resource management Prior to the modern industrial era, communities living on common-lands the world over (called commons) relied heavily on the abundant natural resources that surrounded them for their survival. In Africa, ancient traditions reflected the value of natural resources and incorporated nature in their worldviews, belief...
infrastructure development

Risks associated with infrastructure development in southern African rural areas

Risks associated with infrastructure development in southern African rural areas When United Nations Environment Agency (UNEA 5.2) convenes next week from 28 February to 4 March 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya, representatives of the Community Leaders Network of Southern Africa member Chifundo Dalireni from Malawi and Resource Africa UK CEO, Dr Malan Lindeque, will, along with others from civil society...
Op Ed

Can a global conservation fund bridge the gap between global finance and the realities for indigenous communities? Daily Maverick Op Ed

Can a global conservation fund bridge the gap between global finance and the realities for indigenous communities? A Daily Maverick Hunting OP-ED responds to the proposition that foreign aid can be a viable alternative to sustainable use An Op-Ed response in The Daily Maverick seeks to draw attention to the many problems with the assumptions contained the opinion piece (31 January 2022)...