Cover of the reporting showing a close-up of a lion's face.

Report on the Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill debated in the UK House of Commons

Report on the Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill debated in the UK House of Commons Governments across the range states of Southern Africa, in addition to leading scientists including the UK’s Joint Nature Conservation Committee which advises ministers, have cautioned against this Bill because it removes revenues that mitigate key risks to biodiversity - namely habitat loss and...

A revised CBT strategy for Botswana: Reflections from experiences of the ban on trophy hunting – Lelokwane Mokgalo & Peet van der Merwe |

A revised CBT strategy for Botswana: Reflections from experiences of the ban on trophy hunting - Lelokwane Mokgalo & Peet van der Merwe | The study aimed to investigate the stakeholder experiences and perception of the ban on trophy hunting in Botswana that was instituted between April 2014 and May 2019 with the view to inform a revised strategy for Botswana CBT approach. Download the PDF
anti hunting laws

Media Release: Anti-hunting laws threaten our livelihoods and our wildlife

MEDIA RELEASE A Wave Of Legislative Proposals Throughout Europe To Restrict The Legal Import Of Hunting Trophies Threatens The Rights And Livelihoods Of African Communities Involved In Conservation, And The Wildlife Itself For Immediate Release: July 7 2022 Representatives of African rural communities lead a mission to explain to the UK and European lawmakers how proposed legislation undermines...
the elephant in the room

Size is the Elephant in the Room – Beyond the Headlines

Size is the Elephant in the Room - Beyond the Headlines Unfortunately, non-factual opinions, especially persecutory ones, seem to have a critical mass. Once attained, facts are readily dismissed and become insignificant in comparison to the size of hate and the fiction that is generated by it. Karen Seginak Tweet The introduction to Karen Seginak's blog column Fresh Tracks reads:...
trophy hunters

Trophy hunters in Tajikistan are the unlikely saviours of the snow leopard – The Guardian

Trophy hunters in Tajikistan are the unlikely saviours of the snow leopard - The Guardian UK “We have very few other sources of income here – the benefits to the community are enormous. People value our wildlife now." Village Headman, Tajikistan In Tajikistan, a well-managed trophy-hunting programme has proved that this community conservation model generates incentives and revenue to...
Copyright: Hein Waschefort

Reconsidering the economic relevance of recreational hunting

Reconsidering the economic relevance of recreational hunting Hunting wild animals is an integral part of African history and culture. Today, many people continue to hunt wildlife for complex reasons that range from subsistence to recreation. In recent years animal protection groups have become increasingly critical of hunting and especially the most financially lucrative form of it: selling...

UK trophy hunting import ban not supported by rural Africans – Mongabay Commentary

UK trophy hunting import ban not supported by rural Africans - Mongabay While a UK bill to ban the import of hunting trophies enjoys popular support there, rural Africans directly affected by such decisions are voicing opposition. In an article submitted as a Commentary piece by community conservation practitioners and professionals in Namibia and published in Mongabay on February 11, 2022, the...
Animals Abroad Act

Poorly conceived’ Animals Abroad Bill puts wildlife at risk, UK government told – The Guardian January 13, 2022

'Poorly conceived’ Animals Abroad Bill puts wildlife at risk, UK government told - The Guardian January 13, 2022 Proposed ban on trophy hunting imports ignores African perspectives and could reverse conservation gains, says open letter  In an article in The Guardian UK on Thursday 13 January 2022, some balanced reporting by environmental journalist Patrick Greenfield about the hunting bans...
hunting communities

SADC rural hunting communities demand win-win benefits from international hunting – The Chronicle, Zimbabwe

SADC rural hunting communities demand win-win benefits from international hunting - The Chronicle, Zimbabwe "We think this is the right time to remove the middleman and let communities market their own natural resources,' said a member of the Southern Africa Community Leaders Network and CEO Ngamiland NGOs, Mr Siyoka Simasiku. "Communities should not be stakeholders but shareholders." Once...
trophy hunting

Divergent views on trophy hunting in Africa, and what this may mean for research and policy

Divergent views on trophy hunting in Africa, and what this may mean for research and policy - article by Shaya van Houdt, Richard P. Brown, Thomas C. Wanger, Wayne Twine, Richard Fynn, Kenneth Uiseb, Rosie Cooney, Lochran W. Traill An article that appeared on September 14, 2021 in the scientific journal Conservation Letters, authors Shaya van Houdt et al published the findings of an...