Unmasking the impact of Covid-19 on the livelihoods of small-scale fishers along the Kenyan coast for possible interventions.

Unmasking the impact of Covid-19 on the livelihoods of small-scale fishers along the Kenyan coast for possible interventions Authors: Bironga H, et al (2022). Kenya Aquatica Scientific Journal of the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute.COVID-19 pandemic caused many human deaths and was a multiplier of vulnerability for many households. Consequently, threatening attainment of food...

A revised CBT strategy for Botswana: Reflections from experiences of the ban on trophy hunting – Lelokwane Mokgalo & Peet van der Merwe |

A revised CBT strategy for Botswana: Reflections from experiences of the ban on trophy hunting - Lelokwane Mokgalo & Peet van der Merwe | The study aimed to investigate the stakeholder experiences and perception of the ban on trophy hunting in Botswana that was instituted between April 2014 and May 2019 with the view to inform a revised strategy for Botswana CBT approach. Download the PDF

South African Revised National Biodiversity Framework 2019 – 2024 for Implementation

South Africa: The Revised National Biodiversity Framework 2019 – 2024 for implementation 19 August 2022 - The South Africa Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment published the revised National Biodiversity Framework 2019 – 2024 (“NBF”)for implementation. The overall purpose of the NBF is to coordinate and align the efforts of the many organizations and individuals involved in...

Safeguarding human–wildlife cooperation: Review . Authors: Van der Wal et al,Conservation Letters

Safeguarding human–wildlife cooperation - Van der Wal et al, Conservation Letters April 2022 Conservation decision makers routinely address conflict between human interests and the protection of wildlife and ecosystems (Dickman, 2010), yet challenges remain even when the interests of humans and wildlife are aligned. Download the PDF

IUCN Issues Briefs: Human-Wildlife Conflict JUNE 2022

IUCN Issues Briefs: Human-Wildlife Conflict JUNE 2022 Human-wildlife conflicts are becoming more frequent, serious and widespread because of human population growth, agricultural expansion, infrastructure development, climate change and other drivers of habitat loss. https://www.iucn.org/resources/iucn-issues-briefs Download the PDF
sustainable use

Community conservation supported by global report on the sustainable use of wildlife

Community conservation supported by global report on the sustainable use of wildlife by Gail Thomson The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) recently released a summary of an Assessment Report aimed at global policy makers that examines the current state of sustainable use of biodiversity. The full report, which is to be released soon, took 85...

Global importance of Indigenous Peoples, their lands, and knowledge systems for saving the world’s primates from extinction. Science Advances. Estrada A, et al (2022) 

Global importance of Indigenous Peoples, their lands, and knowledge systems for saving the world’s primates from extinction. Science Advances. Estrada A, et al (2022) Here, we review the scientific literature and conduct a spatial analysis to assess the significance of Indigenous Peoples’ lands in safeguarding primate biodiversity. We found that Indigenous Peoples’lands account for 30% of...

Community stewardship: the foundation of biocultural rights

Community stewardship: the foundation of biocultural rights Kabir Sanjay Bavikatte, Tom Bennett Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, Vol. 6 No. 1, March 2015, pp. 7–29 SUMMARY: The term ‘biocultural rights’ denotes a community’s long established right, in accordance with its customary laws, to steward its lands, waters and resources. Such rights are being increasingly recognized...

Decoloniality and anti-oppressive practices for a more ethical ecology

Decoloniality and anti-oppressive practices for a more ethical ecology Christopher H. Trisos Jess Auerbach Madhusudan Katti Nature Ecology & Evolution | VOL 5 | September 2021 www.nature.com/natecolevol Ecological research and practice are crucial to understanding and guiding more positive relationships between people and ecosystems. However, ecology as a discipline and the diversity of those...
community based natural resource management

Legal analysis of the community-based natural resource management principles in South African Development Community framework

Legal analysis of the community-based natural resource management principles in South African Development Community framework by Chiedza Machaka In the previous article in this series, I discussed the legal support for community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) that is derived from various Protocols by the African Union. In this article, I zone in on the African region where...