Why we must question the militarisation of conservation

Why we must question the militarisation of conservation

Rosaleen Duffy, Francis Massé, EmileSmidt, Esther Marijnenc, Bram Büscher, Judith Verweijen,
Maano Ramutsindelad, Trishant Simlaie, LaureJoanny, Elizabeth Lunstrumf
Biological Conservation April 2019

Our aim in this Perspective Piece is to draw out the major themes, patterns and concerns about militarisation from the critical literature in order to inform more thorough dialogue in conservation; this synthesis of critical perspectives is intended to provide reflections in order to inform conservation policy making via the development of a clear counterpoint to the more commonly articulated position that militarisation is an appropriate, proportionate and necessary response to an urgent situation. As such, this Perspective Piece is a timely first step towards sparking a dialogue about militarisation of conservation, not least because more militarised approaches are gaining traction in other sectors such as forest protection


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