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A New Global Framework for Managing Nature Through 2030: 1st Detailed Draft Agreement Debuts

UN Convention on Biological Diversity

Press Release: A New Global Framework for Managing Nature Through 2030:
1st Detailed Draft Agreement Debuts

Montreal, 12 July 2021 – The UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat today released the first official draft of a new Global Biodiversity Framework to guide actions worldwide through 2030 to preserve and protect nature and its essential services to people.

The framework includes 21 targets for 2030 that call for, among other things:
 At least 30% of land and sea areas global (especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and its contributions to people) conserved through effective, equitably managed, ecologically representative and well-connected systems of protected areas (and other effective area-based conservation measures)
 A 50% of greater reduction in the rate of introduction of invasive alien species, and controls or eradication of such species to eliminate or reduce their impacts
 Reducing nutrients lost to the environment by at least half, and pesticides by at least two thirds, and eliminating the discharge of plastic waste
 Nature-based contributions to global climate change mitigation efforts of least 10 GtCO2e per year, and that all mitigation and adaptation efforts avoid negative impacts on biodiversity
 Redirecting, repurposing, reforming or eliminating incentives harmful for biodiversity, in a just and equitable way, reducing them by at least $US 500 billion per year
 A $US 200 billion increase in international financial flows from all sources to developing countries.

Community rights, sustainable use and benefit-sharing

Target 9 of the 21 targets specifically addresses meeting people’s needs through sustainable use and benefit-sharing:

Ensure benefits, including nutrition, food security, medicines, and livelihoods for people especially for the most vulnerable through sustainable management of wild terrestrial, freshwater and marine species and protecting customary sustainable use by indigenous peoples and local communities.

The framework will contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. At the same time, progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals will help to provide the conditions necessary to implement the framework.

Read the full Press Release here

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